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Create your classroom community

Fast and fun tutorials 🍿

Teacher Account Walkthrough

Join Caitlin on this tour of a teacher account

Connecting families

Give families a window into your classroom this year. Learn all the ways you can connect families in this 2-minute tutorial

Customizing skills

Personalize your feedback by adjusting student skills

What families see when they log into ClassDojo

See ClassDojo from the family perspective
See all teacher tutorials (in english)

Getting set up is a snap

Teacher quick-start guide
Get the most out of your teacher account with quick and easy tips
شروع کرو (in english)
Back-to-school night presentation
A ready-made way to help families understand how they can stay connected and support their kids on ClassDojo
Get connected (in english)
Family introduction letter
This one-page letter informs and inspires families
Get acquainted (in english)
Family account tour
An overview of the family experience on ClassDojo from A to Z
Get familiar (in english)
Student account tour and FAQ
See ClassDojo through students’ eyes and learn how to support them even better
ایہنوں ویکھو (in english)

Customize ClassDojo for your world 🌎

ہُنراں نوں ذاتی بناؤ

Personalize your feedback by adjusting student skillsویڈیو ویکھو (in english)

Customize avatars

Release their inner monster ویڈیو ویکھو (in english)

Customize community values + PBIS

School-specific feedback points help nurture a close-knit cultureہور سيکھو (in english)

ClassDojo + Google کمرہ جماعت

ٹبراں نال گل بات کرن اتے پڑھیاراں نال مشغول ہون لئی ClassDojo نال Google کمرہ جماعت ورتوڈاون لوڈ (in english)

Share the Dojo love 💚

Teacher training
This presentation makes sharing ClassDojo with your colleagues a snap
Download presentation (in english)
Get your school leader in on the fun
This resource pack is ready to share—so everyone can get involved
شروع کرو (in english)
Invite co-teachers
Share your class with a co-teacher to support your students together
Share with co-teacher (in english)

Don’t forget the most important part: having fun! 🤸

Class story images
Bring stories to life with more than 20 pre-designed images for events from back-to-school to International Pancake Day 😋
Make stories pop (in english)
Classroom organization
Add pizazz to classroom essentials like student certificates and hall passes
Customize the classroom (in english)
Coloring sheets
Spark kids’ creativity with ClassDojo-themed coloring sheets 🖍️
Claim coloring sheets (in english)
Classroom decoration
Dazzle with decor including more than 100 images and posters—and the Monster Alphabet 👹
Deck the halls (in english)

Need more support?

Visit the ClassDojo Helpdesk for FAQs & additional support